Breast Augmentation vs. Breast Lift: Which Is Right for You?

Oct 7, 2016 @ 09:48 AM — by Dina Eliopoulos

A close-up of a woman's breast in a bra

Over time, the size, shape, and lift of the breasts can change, leaving many women looking for options to improve their bust line. There are different breast surgery options to meet each woman's breast enhancement needs, enabling women to enjoy improved breast shape, size, or perkiness. In patient consultations, plastic surgeon Dr. Dina Eliopoulos explains the difference between breast augmentation versus breast lift to help patients achieve their desired results. Contact our Chelmsford, MA practice to find out which treatment is right for you.

What Is Breast Augmentation?

Breast augmentation surgery is a procedure used to increase breast size by adding volume to the breasts. Breast augmentation can also improve the shape of the breasts, making them appear rounder. Breast augmentation alone does not correct sagging breasts or lift the breasts to a more youthful level. However, breast lift surgery may be combined with breast augmentation to lift the breasts and increase volume.

The Breast Augmentation Procedure

The breast augmentation procedure is highly customizable to the unique needs of each patient. Not only are there different types of implants available (saline or silicone, round or teardrop), there are different incision methods and ways to place the implants to achieve each patient's desired outcome. Incisions may be placed within the underarm, around the areola, or beneath the breast. The type of incision will be determined by factors such as implant placement, type of implant, and the patient’s goals. Once all the details are determined, breast augmentation surgery may be performed.

During breast augmentation, incisions will be made in the specified location and the breast implants will be inserted either below the chest muscle or above the chest muscle, depending on the desired outcome. Once the implants are placed, the incisions are closed and the breasts are bandaged.

What Is Breast Lift Surgery?

Breast lift surgery, also called mastopexy, is different from breast augmentation in that it was designed to improve the appearance of drooping, sagging breasts and not to increase breast size. Breast lift surgery can help restore a more youthful appearance to the bust line, improving perkiness and reversing the harsh effects of pregnancy, breastfeeding, and time on the breasts. Women who wish to lift sagging breasts and increase cup size should consider combining breast lift surgery with breast augmentation to achieve their desired outcome.

The Breast Lift Procedure

Similar to breast augmentation, breast lift surgery can be customized to address the specific needs of each patient. Different incision types may be used to provide more or less lift, as well as reduce the size of the areola if desired. Incisions are made in either a lollipop shape around the areola and down the middle of the breast, a donut shape around the areola, or an anchor shape extending above and below the areola.

During breast lift surgery, the pre-determined type of incision will be made, allowing excess tissues to be removed and the breast lifted. The size of the areola may be reduced at this time, if needed, and the nipples and remaining areola tissue will be repositioned to match the position of the lifted breasts.

Which Procedure Is Right for You?

When it comes to improving the size and shape of the breasts, breast augmentation can produce fantastic results, making it a great option for those who wish to increase the size of the chest. For women who wish to reverse the hands of time and regain a perkier, more youthful bust line, breast lift surgery can help.

Combining breast lift surgery and breast augmentation can completely transform the bust line, increasing breast volume and improving the appearance of sagging breasts. If you would like more information about breast surgery, or to find out which treatment is right for you, we invite you to schedule a consultation with top Chelmsford plastic surgeon Dr. Eliopoulos.

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