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What You Need to Know About Medical Insurance Coverage for Breast Reduction Surgery

May 6, 2014 @ 09:58 AM — by Dina Eliopoulos
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What You Need to Know About Medical Insurance Coverage for Breast Reduction Surgery

If a woman would like to improve her overall body contour, she certainly has many choices to consider. There are so many surgeries out there that can have a positive influence on overall shape and symmetry of the body. When you meet with a plastic surgeon, you can discuss these body contouring options in greater detail, allowing you to make smart, well-informed decisions about surgical care.

With regard to the breasts and the bustline, it's not just about increasing size. A breast reduction surgery can be very helpful as well, and not just for aesthetics. We'd like to take a few moments right now to consider the surgery and how patients can have breast reduction covered by insurance in certain circumstances.

About Breast Reduction Surgery

Breast reduction surgery involves the removal of excess fat, skin, and glandular tissue in order to make the breasts smaller. This helps improve overall body contour and can even be done to address various kinds of medical problems associated with the size of the breasts.

Medical Reasons for Getting Breast Reduction Surgery

Breast reduction surgery is sometimes performed to address serious aches and pains that are the result of breasts that are too large. In such cases, the excessive weight of the breasts themselves lead to issues with the lower back, and can even cause pain to the shoulder and neck area. These issues in conjunction with the aesthetic matters are often compelling reasons to consider breast reduction surgery.

Will insurance cover my breast reduction surgery?

In certain circumstances, medical insurance will cover the cost of a breast reduction surgery, though certain criteria must be met for patients to qualify. Patients will often need to have their general practitioner cite the size of the breasts as a cause for pain. A plastic surgeon will then need to define a treatment plan and note how much breast tissue will be removed to help alleviate this pain.

Getting the Necessary Paperwork In Order

Insurance policies and providers all vary with regard to breast reduction surgery. It is of the utmost importance that you contact your insurance provider directly to find out what the requirements are for coverage. You will also be able to ask questions about care as needed.

By getting all of the necessary paperwork done ahead of time and knowing what requirements need to be fulfilled, you will be able to increase your chances for getting your coverage approved.

How Our Team Will Help You In This Process

During your consultation with our Chelmsford breast reduction providers, we will be sure to go over all of your options for care and to provide any paperwork or documentation that you need to increase the likelihood of insurance coverage for your breast reduction. We know that these can be stressful situations, so we want to make sure that your time with us is as relatively stress-free as possible.

Learn More About Breast Reduction Surgery

If you would like to learn more about breast reduction surgery and how to qualify for insurance coverage for the procedure, be sure to contact our Chelmsford, MA cosmetic plastic surgery center today. The entire team here looks forward to meeting you in person and helping you achieve excellent results with regard to your body contour and overall appearance.

Insurance Coverage For Breast Reduction Surgery  Chelmsford

Schedule Your Consultation Today

Plastic surgery isn’t just about people changing their look—it's about making you feel good about being you. Whether you need breast augmentation, a breast lift, liposuction or Botox, Dr. Dina Eliopoulos is here for you. For over 20 years, patients have sought out the care and results that Dr. Eliopoulos can create in her beautiful Chelmsford, Massachusetts office. The peace of mind that comes from a board-certified, residency- and fellowship-trained plastic surgeon is hard to parallel. Schedule a consultation with Dr. Eliopoulos today to experience the difference for yourself.

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