Best Treatments For Removing Nasolabial Folds

Apr 6, 2016 @ 10:14 AM — by Dina Eliopoulos

Best Treatments For Removing Nasolabial Folds

Deep “laugh lines” are no laughing matter. These lines, also called nasolabial folds, are the creases that run from the nose to the corners of the mouth, deepening with the aging process. If you are unhappy with the appearance of prominent nasolabial folds, you may benefit from facial rejuvenation treatment, such as face lift surgery. Face lift surgery can be tailored to meet the needs of each patient, addressing deep nasolabial folds and revealing a more youthful appearance. To find out which treatment for nasolabial folds is right for you, schedule a consultation with Chelmsford plastic surgeon Dina Eliopoulos.

What Are Nasolabial Folds?

Commonly called “laugh lines” or “smile lines,” the nasolabial folds are the creases that run down the side of the nose to the corners of the mouth. With age, these folds become deeper and may grow longer, causing many with prominent nasolabial folds to seek facial rejuvenation treatments.

Treatments to Reduce the Appearance of Nasolabial Folds

There are a range of facial plastic surgery options to address the unique needs of each patient and minimize the appearance of nasolabial folds. Those who wish to reduce the appearance of deep nasolabial folds without undergoing surgery may benefit from non-surgical treatments, like injectable facial fillers. Some treatments to treat nasolabial folds include:

  • Mini Face Lift: A mini face lift targets the lower portion of the face. Small incisions are made around the ears where the skin and underlying tissues are gently pulled and tightened, reducing the appearance of nasolabial folds.
  • Mid Face Lift: A mid face lift address the mid and lower portions of the face, the area which extends from the cheekbones to the jaw. Small incisions are made near the ears, loose skin is removed, and the remaining tissues are sutured in place, smoothing lines around the mouth.
  • Full Face Lift: A full face lift addresses the lower and mid portions of the face, reducing the appearance of lines, wrinkles, and sagging skin throughout the face. During a full face lift, incisions are hidden within the hairline, tissues are gently pulled taut, excess tissues are removed, and underlying muscles are tightened, helping to minimize the appearance of wrinkles and tighten the skin.
  • Cheek implants: Cheek implants may be paired with face lift surgery to add volume to the cheeks. This can also soften the appearance of nasolabial folds.
  • Dermal Fillers: Dermal fillers are a non-surgical treatment for nasolabial folds, as well as other facial creases and lines. There are a variety of dermal fillers available, including JUVÉDERM® and Radiesse®. Dermal fillers can be injected directly into problem areas, adding volume and smoothing lines and wrinkles. Treatment with dermal fillers is fast, requires little to no recovery time, and provides long lasting results.

Learn More about Your Treatment Options

For more information about treatments to diminish the signs of aging and rejuvenate your appearance, we invite you to schedule a consultation with Dr. Eliopoulos.

Schedule your consultation with Dr. Dina Eliopoulos today

(978) 275-9440

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