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Breast Augmentation Boston

Is Natural-Looking Breast Augmentation Right for You?

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Are you looking to enhance your cleavage or reshape your breasts? Are you unhappy with an asymmetrical bustline? Breast augmentation can give you a beautiful new figure — and boosted confidence.

Please view Dr. Eliopoulos’ breast augmentation before and after results. These are actual patients.

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Breast Augmentation Boston

Dr. Eliopoulos is a compassionate and highly skilled board certified plastic surgeon who focuses on providing natural-looking enhancement tailored precisely to your goals. Natural-looking breast augmentation is one of her most common procedures — and one she specializes in. Together, you and Dr. Eliopoulos will create a treatment plan to achieve the breast contour you desire. Dr. Eliopoulos strives to deliver the best breast augmentation Boston has to offer.

Video: Breast Augmentation

Dr. Eliopoulos performs breast augmentation for women who want to enhance the shape and size of their breasts. Some women have underdeveloped breast tissue or a congenital abnormality that effects the appearance of their breasts, while others wish to restore lost volume after pregnancy or weight loss. Dr. Eliopoulos says today's breast implants are safe, and provide the pretty, natural-looking results that most patients seek. Dr. Eliopoulos also performs breast reconstruction for mastectomy patients.

The Breast Augmentation Procedure

Are you looking to enhance your cleavage or reshape your breasts? Are you unhappy with an asymmetrical bustline? Boston breast augmentation specialist, Dr. Dina Eliopoulos in Chelmsford, MA, can give you a beautiful new figure — and boosted confidence.

Breast Augmentation Basics

Natural-looking breast augmentation involves the skillful placement of either saline or silicone implants to enhance the size and shape of the breasts. It is one of the most commonly performed plastic surgery procedures in the world, and Dr. Eliopoulos is experienced at it. Breast augmentation can dramatically improve a woman's confidence, with patients reporting significant improvements in their quality of life after surgery.

Are You a Candidate?

A qualified professional like Dr. Eliopoulos can help determine your candidacy for a breast augmentation. During a private consultation, she will assess your overall health to ensure you are a good candidate to undergo this procedure. She will ensure that her patients have realistic expectations about the outcome of surgery.

For example, breast augmentation is not designed to address sagging breasts. While a breast implant may take up a bit of the extra skin in some mild cases of skin excess or sagginess, sometimes patients with more excess skin will require a breast lift in addition to the implant in order to achieve the best improvement in size and shape.

You can depend on Dr. Eliopoulos to take plenty of time during the consultation to understand your goals. She will discuss with you in depth what your different options are and provide you with all the information and education needed to help you decide if breast augmentation is right for you. Dr. Eliopoulos strongly feels that her dedication to keeping patients well-informed is why so many express their long-term satisfaction with their results.

What to Expect

Dr. Dina Eliopoulos has over 2 decades of experience as a board-certified plastic surgeon, with a reputation for dedication, surgical excellence, and professionalism. The purpose of her consultation is not to “convince you” to undergo a procedure, but to learn about your goals and educate you on your surgical options.

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Breast Augmentation Boston  Chelmsford

Choosing the Right Breast Implant

Dr. Eliopoulos offers both saline and silicone implants, in a range of sizes. Saline implants contain a sterile saltwater solution. They are approved for patients ages 18 and older. In case of rupture, the solution is harmlessly absorbed by your body. Saline implants are inserted empty, and filled after they are in place, so they require only a relatively small incision.

Silicone implants contain a cohesive silicone gel that closely mimics the feel of breast tissue. They are approved for patients ages 22 and older. At this time, silicone implants are the most popular choice both nationwide and in Dr. Eliopoulos’ practice, because many patients believe they look and feel more natural.

Because they are placed pre-filled, they require a slightly larger access incision than saline — but Dr. Eliopoulos uses a special device called a Keller Funnel to place her silicone implants in the breast pocket less traumatically, through smaller incisions. It is important to remember that implants, saline and silicone, are man-made devices, and therefore can potentially develop a rupture or defect in the shell of the device. A rupture of a saline implant will present differently than a silicone implant.

Typically a saline rupture will be fairly evident to the patient over some short period of time as volume in the breast decreases as the salt water is absorbed by the body. This is not dangerous, but would require a procedure to replace the saline implant. In contrast, patients with a silicone gel implant rupture may not become immediately aware of this, as the cohesive gel will not be absorbed away, but will mainly remain inside the breast. Therefore, our Boston breast augmentation patients will not notice a volume loss. For this reason, it is important for silicone breast implant recipients to undergo regular breast exams and consider MRI screenings of their silicone implants periodically. Dr. Eliopoulos can explain to you more about this and what surgical replacement of a ruptured silicone implant may entail.

Breast Augmentation Boston

Breast Augmentation Before & After Photos

See Dr. Eliopoulos' breast augmentation before and after results. It is important to look at before and after images to get an idea of what can be achieved with a surgery and to help guide the process with the doctor.

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Placing Your Implants

The breast augmentation procedure can generally be completed in 2 hours. Dr. Eliopoulos prefers to do this procedure under general anesthesia to maintain your comfort during the procedure. At the time of her consultation, she will discuss options for incisions to place the implant. Commonly she recommends placing the incision under the crease of the breast, but an incision around the nipple areola complex can also be an option.

Dr. Eliopoulos will also discuss with you options of putting the implants behind or in front of the pectoral muscle and discussed the pros and cons of each location, and will help you determine which location will meet your goals.

After the surgery, you will rest in the Recovery Room for a short period of time until you feel comfortable to go home that same day of surgery. Dr. Eliopoulos will schedule follow-up visits to monitor your healing. Typically, patients need to take at least 1 week off work. Over the following weeks, she will advise you when you can resume work, exercise, and other activities.

Breast Augmentation Surgery Can Restore Natural Curves

A breast augmentation can boost confidence by providing a more feminine curved figure. Dr. Eliopoulos specializes in breast augmentation surgery to improve the size and symmetry of her patients’ breasts. She works with patients to design a treatment plan to increase or restore the natural size and shape of their breasts for an increased sense of femininity and self-confidence.

Breast Augmentation Candidates

Any woman over the age of 18 who desires to restore or enhance the natural volume of her breasts may be a candidate for breast augmentation surgery. Patients must be in good overall health, at a stable weight, and avoid drinking or smoking to excess. Patients should be aware that future pregnancies or fluctuations in weight may affect the results of breast augmentation surgery.

Breast Augmentation Consultation

Prior to your surgery, you will have an in-depth consultation with Dr. Eliopoulos. She will explain your options to achieve your desired goals and everything that you can expect postoperatively. Together, you will decide on what type of implants will be used for your procedure, where your incisions will be made, and where your implants will be placed. She will also review possible risks of breast augmentation surgery, so you can make an informed decision to move forward with surgery. She can address any questions or concerns you have about the procedure and can go over your surgery timeline. You will also meet together again closer to your surgery date to discuss these issues again. By this point she will have a very good idea of what your goals are, and you will have a very good idea of what can be achieved with surgery.

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Breast Augmentation Boston  Chelmsford

Incision Options

There are several different breast surgery incision options for minimal, and discreet scarring. The placement of the incisions is dependent on the type and shape of implant chosen and the desired breast size, among other factors. The incisions preferred by Dr. Eliopoulos are in the breast crease, or under the areola.

Placement Choices

Implants may be placed either above or beneath the pectoral muscle. Dr. Eliopoulos will discuss the pros and cons of these two locations. In general, she prefers to place implants partly under the pectoral muscle rather than the above for several reasons:

  • More soft tissue covers the implants to better camouflage their edges, making them less palpable or visible
  • This procedure lowers the possibility of complications such as “capsular contracture”
  • Any future mammograms are more easily facilitated
  • Submuscular location is especially helpful in very small breasted patients

Procedure Outline

Dr. Eliopoulos prefers to perform this surgery under general anesthesia so you are comfortable throughout the procedure. Your outpatient day surgery will be performed at an accredited facility, either in the surgery center or hospital setting, with a highly skilled anesthesia team who will monitor you not only during the procedure, but afterwards in recovery.

During your breast augmentation Boston plastic surgeon Dr. Eliopoulos will create a pocket for your implants based on your preoperative plan. She is extremely meticulous and will determine the best size of implant for each breast using implant sizers, to maximize your desired size and symmetry. During the procedure, she will sit you up and examine your breast shape and size while you are sitting up, in order to obtain the best aesthetic outcome.

Once Dr. Eliopoulos determines the best size combination, she will put the final implants in (either saline or silicone depending on your preoperative plan). Once she is satisfied with the positioning of the implants, she will suture your incisions closed, and these sutures will be hidden beneath skin.

Breast Augmentation Recovery

While recovery times will vary from patient to patient depending on overall health, most patients enjoy a speedy recovery from this procedure. When implants are placed underneath the muscle, patients may require a slightly longer recovery period. Most Boston breast augmentation patients will require one week off from work, and limited physical activity for several weeks in order to optimize their results.

Dr. Eliopoulos and her staff can provide more detailed guidelines and information based on your exact case. Also, they will continue to follow you throughout your postoperative course, guiding you on your postoperative aftercare and activity restrictions, along with recommendations to optimize your aesthetic results. In fact, they will continue to monitor your progress throughout the next year after your surgery. Our patients have told us that they are very appreciative of all the postoperative care and attention we give them.

Contact Us Today

Dr. Eliopoulos excels at helping her patients to achieve enhancements that improve their appearance and self-confidence. To learn more about how you can benefit from breast augmentation, please contact us today and schedule a consultation.

Breast Augmentation Boston  Chelmsford

Schedule Your Consultation Today

Plastic surgery isn’t just about people changing their look—it's about making you feel good about being you. Whether you need breast augmentation, a breast lift, liposuction or Botox, Dr. Dina Eliopoulos is here for you. For over 20 years, patients have sought out the care and results that Dr. Eliopoulos can create in her beautiful Chelmsford, Massachusetts office. The peace of mind that comes from a board-certified, residency- and fellowship-trained plastic surgeon is hard to parallel. Schedule a consultation with Dr. Eliopoulos today to experience the difference for yourself.

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