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Boston Facial Rejuvenation Expert Reveals the Sources (and Solutions) for Dull Skin

January 27th, 2023 — by Dina Eliopoulos
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Sources (and Solutions) for Dull Skin feature image

Have you slathered on layers of moisturizer, purchased expensive night cream, and still woken up to dull, lackluster skin? You're not alone. Most patients arrive at Eliopoulos Plastic Surgery in Chelmsford confident they need to see a Boston facial rejuvenation expert but unsure of the exact source of their current skin concerns — or how to solve them. That's where I come in!

To achieve genuinely glowing skin, work alongside aesthetic experts like myself and my team, who can assess how age, environment, and various lifestyle factors influence your skin condition. Together, we can develop a custom treatment plan that will rejuvenate the skin and reveal (and reverse) the source of your skin concerns.

Here are the top skincare issues contributing to dull skin and the proven facial rejuvenation treatments to combat them.

What Causes Dull Skin?

The causes of dull skin are like snowflakes: no two are the same. Many factors influence skin texture, elasticity, and radiance over time. While some of these factors are genetic, like a predisposition to dry or eczema-prone skin, others are non-inherited conditions that we may be able to control, such as smoking or sun protection.

The primary sources of dull, lackluster skin include:

  • Environmental factors like air pollution, tobacco smoke, and oxidative stress are shown to contribute to skin dullness and sagging.
  • Ultraviolet radiation (UV rays) emitted by the sun are proven to cause photoaging or premature aging and discoloration of the skin.
  • Natural aging occurs when the skin begins to lose collagen and elastic production, leading to wrinkles, laxity, and dullness.
  • Dehydration or a failure to drink a healthy amount of water each day is scientifically linked to dry, lackluster skin.
  • Lack of exfoliation creates a build-up of dead skin cells, dirt, and debris that causes the skin to appear patchy and flaky.
  • Lifestyle factors such as diet, sleep habits, and smoking tobacco are significantly associated with visible skin concerns.

Boston Facial Rejuvenation Treatments for Glowing Skin

If lackluster skin has you dreaming of the days of a radiant complexion, you'll be happy to learn that there are scientifically-backed medspa treatments that can help. Facial rejuvenation refers to a collection of cosmetic treatments that aim to restore a youthful, glowing complexion. Take a look at just a few of the treatments I recommend as a Boston facial rejuvenation expert along with who is a good candidate for each.

Concern: Sun Damaged Skin

Environmental stressors and sun damage are two leading causes of dull skin. One solution for skin that's experiencing photoaging is facial laser treatment. Laser treatments are optimal for men and women experiencing sun spots, pigmentation, and fine lines across the face. The IPL photo facial, short for Intense Pulsed Light, is a non-invasive laser treatment I recommend to target pigmentation problems and discolorations with no downtime required. We can even combine laser and IPL in one treatment, called Three for Me, to target brown spots, redness, and fine lines all at once.

Concern: Natural Skin Aging

Natural aging is something that cannot be avoided; however, that's not to say that proven medspa treatments can't help slow the hands of time. Injectables like dermal fillers help to alleviate wrinkles, fine lines, sagging skin, and even a loss of volume in areas around the eyes, nose, mouth, and cheeks that can contribute to the look of dull skin. At Eliopoulos Plastic Surgery and Med Spa, I offer the patient-preferred Juvéderm® line of dermal fillers.

Concern: Dehydrated, Unexfoliated Skin

Skin dehydration and a lack of exfoliation can impact men and women of all ages. If your skin has begun to feel flaky and dry, or makeup and other skin care products have begun to apply patchy and uneven, consider chemical peels. Chemical peels help remove the build-up of dirt and debris on the skin's surface to reveal a brighter, more even skin tone. I recommend the Stimulator Peel by ZO for a superficial peel with minimal downtime and the VI Peel to target more demanding skin concerns.

Concern: Skin laxity

Anything from your regular diet to your sleep habits can lead to changes in your skin texture and radiance. If you want to reverse the impacts of certain lifestyle factors on dull skin lacking collagen, consider an advanced microneedling technique. My preference is Morpheus8 which combines the benefits of Collagen Induction therapy using gold-tipped microneedles with fractional radiofrequency (RF) to improve skin concerns like fine lines and wrinkles, acne and acne scarring, enlarged pores, and overall skin dullness.

How to Rejuvenate Your Face Between Visits

While undergoing a medspa treatment targeted to your concern, you must maintain your rejuvenation efforts at home in-between visits. I recommend a few tips to patients of any gender and any age to help combat the signs of skin dullness and prolong the benefits of in-office aesthetic treatments. My tips for at-home facial rejuvenation include:

  1. Drink plenty of water. With dehydration a primary source of dryness, men should aim to drink 15.5 cups of water per day, and women should strive for 11.5 cups per day.
  2. Get more sleep. Just one day of sleep deprivation can significantly reduce skin hydration and vibrance, so be sure to sleep for an average of 7 to 9 hours per night.
  3. Exfoliate regularly. Remove the top layer of grime by exfoliating at least once per week and up to three times per week with a chemical or physical exfoliant. We recommend using ZO Exfoliating Polish to physically exfoliate off dead skin cells and other debris to improve skin radiance.
  4. Avoid hot water. Hot water to shower and wash your face has been shown to damage skin barrier function that can lead to dullness, so use lukewarm water to cleanse instead.
  5. Stay on top of your home regimen of medical-grade skin products recommended specifically for your clinical needs. It's important to update and adjust your regimen as your age and skin conditions change. Fair to say, if you haven't changed your skin regimen in the past year, you probably need to, and we can help you with that!

Why Choose a Boston Facial Rejuvenation Expert?

From UV rays and cigarette smoke to dehydration and exfoliation, to our genetic makeup and the natural aging process, there are dozens of sources for dull skin. When you want to reveal a more radiant complexion, it's never too late to start — and a Boston facial rejuvenation expert can help. At Eliopoulos Plastic Surgery and Med Spa, my team and I will customize a skin care treatment plan to achieve rejuvenated, glowing skin. To revive your skin, schedule a consultation today.

Causes and Solutions for Dull Skin  Chelmsford

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Plastic surgery isn’t just about people changing their look—it's about making you feel good about being you. Whether you need breast augmentation, a breast lift, liposuction or Botox, Dr. Dina Eliopoulos is here for you. For over 20 years, patients have sought out the care and results that Dr. Eliopoulos can create in her beautiful Chelmsford, Massachusetts office. The peace of mind that comes from a board-certified, residency- and fellowship-trained plastic surgeon is hard to parallel. Schedule a consultation with Dr. Eliopoulos today to experience the difference for yourself.

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