Revitalize Your Skin with Laser Skin Resurfacing Treatment

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Laser skin resurfacing treatments can effectively address a wide range of skin concerns, including wrinkles, fine lines, scars, age spots, uneven skin tone, and texture irregularities. Not only does it improve the look of your skin, but laser skin treatments also promote collagen production and stimulate skin renewal, leading to a more youthful and rejuvenated appearance – no wonder our clients love them!

What Common Skin Concerns Are Treated with Lasers?

Lasers are a common treatment to rejuvenate dull skin and stimulate cellular turnover at a much deeper level, helping to even skin tone and smooth unwanted texture. It is important to remember that each laser uses a specific wavelength, and different lasers treat different skin issues. In other words, not all lasers treat the same concerns. The ideal candidates for laser skin resurfacing treatment commonly struggle with:

  • Brown spots from hyperpigmentation or melasma
  • Redness (rosacea)
  • Broken blood vessels
  • Sun damage (photodamage) on the skin
  • Fine lines and non-deep-set wrinkles
  • Scarring from acne or trauma
  • Stretch marks on the body

What Different Types of Lasers Are Available?

When it comes to different laser skin resurfacing options, most treatments are classified as ablative or non-ablative lasers. The primary difference between ablative and non-ablative laser treatments is that ablative lasers promote collagen production by removing the top layer of the dermis, while non-ablative lasers heat the underlying skin tissue.

Working beneath the skin's surface, non-ablative lasers leave the outermost layer of the skin largely intact. As a result, there is a reduced risk of side effects such as infection, scarring, or changes in skin pigmentation, which can be more of a concern with ablative lasers.

Non-ablative lasers offer skin rejuvenation and improvement without the extensive downtime, potential risks, and more dramatic changes associated with ablative lasers or surgical procedures. Non-ablative lasers are also often a safer choice for individuals with various skin types and tones, including those with darker skin, as they have a lower risk of causing pigment changes or scarring.

Using the ICON 1540 non-ablative laser, you can achieve gradual, natural-looking results without the sudden dramatic changes that are sometimes associated with more invasive procedures. For optimal results, many non-ablative laser treatments require a series of sessions to allow for incremental improvements.

How Does the 1540 Laser Work?

At the Chelmsford Center for Plastic Surgery, we offer the non-ablative ICON 1540 fractional laser. The ICON 1540 laser is a non-ablative, non-invasive erbium laser treatment for a variety of skin concerns, including fine lines, acne and surgical scars, and textual issues.

"Fractional" refers to the way the laser is delivered in a fractional pattern, only targeting a fraction of the skin at a time to minimize risk and downtime. This laser is non-ablative, so it works more deeply in the skin to treat a number of blemishes without removing the top layer of the dermis.

Here's how the non-ablative ICON 1540 fractional skin resurfacing laser works.

1. Fractional Pattern

The key feature of a non-ablative fractional laser like the ICON 1540 is the ability to create tiny, evenly spaced microthermal zones (MTZs) in the dermis. MZTs are columns of laser energy that penetrate a fraction of the skin, leaving areas of untreated dermis between them to speed healing.

2. Selective Heating

Once it penetrates the skin, the water in the dermis absorbs the laser energy. This process causes selective heating of the targeted MTZs, referred to as controlled thermal damage. The heated areas stimulate collagen production, a vital protein responsible for enhancing skin elasticity and firmness.

3. No Ablation

The ICON 1540 is non-ablative because it does not remove the outer layer of skin or cause any considerable damage to the epidermis (the outermost layer of skin). There is less downtime, reduced risk of infection, and minimal discomfort associated with 1540 laser skin resurfacing.

4. Collagen Remodeling

Over the following weeks and months, the body's natural healing processes lead to the remodeling of collagen. As new collagen builds, the skin becomes firmer and smoother. Though it may require a series of treatments, this process can dramatically improve skin texture and tone.

Why Clients Love Laser Skin Resurfacing

  1. Minor Side Effects: The side effects of non-ablative laser treatments are usually mild and short-lived, such as temporary redness and swelling. This makes them suitable for people with busy lifestyles.
  2. Minimal Downtime: Non-ablative lasers are often referred to as "lunchtime" lasers because they typically have minimal to no downtime. Patients can usually return to their regular activities shortly after the procedure.
  3. Less Discomfort: Non-ablative laser treatments are generally less painful than ablative lasers. They often cause less discomfort during and after the procedure, with most patients experiencing only a mild warming or tingling sensation.
  4. Minimal Risk of Infection or Scarring: Since non-ablative lasers don't remove the outer layer of the skin, there's a lower risk of infection, scarring, or complications compared to ablative lasers.
  5. Stimulates Collagen Production: Non-ablative lasers heat the deeper layers of the skin to stimulate collagen production, which can help reduce the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, and scars over time.
  6. Improves Skin Texture and Tone: Non-ablative lasers can enhance skin texture and tone, making the skin look more youthful and even. They are often used to treat conditions like melasma, sunspots, and uneven pigmentation.
  7. Certain lasers like the icon 1540 non-ablative erbium laser can be combined at the same setting with IPL (intense pulsed light, also known as for rejuvenation) to target additional concerns such as pigmentation and rosacea at the same time.

Explore Reliable Laser Skin Resurfacing Services

While non-ablative lasers have numerous benefits, it's important to note that they may require multiple sessions—up to four—to achieve the desired results, and these results may be more subtle compared to ablative lasers. So, your choice of laser treatment must be based on your specific skin concerns as well as the recommendations of your physician.

At the Center for Plastic Surgery, my team and I will work with you to determine which laser skin resurfacing treatment is most suitable for your skin type, concerns, and goals, and catch you up to speed on the downtime and potential side effects associated with each treatment. From scarring and stretch marks to fine lines and photodamage, we are here to help.

Experience rejuvenated, youthful skin through fractional laser resurfacing at the Center for Plastic Surgery in Chelmsford, Massachusetts. Reach out to us today to arrange a private consultation and take the first step toward revitalizing your skin!

Schedule your consultation with Dr. Dina Eliopoulos today

(978) 275-9440

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